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When the Cat is Away, the Mice Will Play!

I got these photos courtesy of a friend of mine. What some office people do when their "friends" are on vacation.

Wrap everything in newspaper

Put the keyboard into the desk (a little harsh, hahaha)

Fill their cubicle with packing peanuts (very creative!)

Wrap everything in aluminum foil (so shiny!)

Do you have any sticky notes?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen most of those, but the foil one was new... very interesting... another good one i just thought of might be... multicolored cellophane... they can still use most things without taking it off, and it would be funny.

Found ya through BA, hoping u keep updating with funny stuff.


5:38 PM

Blogger Mama Mouse said...

Those are great! I like the packing peanuts one!

11:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been looking for that popcorn in the cube photo for a while. I saw it in a forward but I had deleted it.

I love these pranks

3:39 AM

Blogger sarahintampa said...

OMG! Those are hilarious!

However...I'm a little worried now...I'm currently on vacation....


12:31 AM


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